Customizing the Theme
Epic Blog is customisable. Among the items that can be customised, you have:
Two menus (main 3 level top menu and footer 1 level menu)
Site logo
4 widget areas (main archive sidebar and 3 footer areas)
Copyright information
If you want to customize those options, go to Appearance -> Customize
Site Identity
Here you can upload your site logo and set the site title and tagline.
Epic Blog has two menu locations (Main Menu and Footer Menu) and a stand-alone menu (Widget Menu).
You can build menus with up to 3 levels using the "Main Menu" location and 1 level menus with the "Footer Menu" location.
The Main Menu is responsive and will be replaced with a "hamburger menu" in small resolutions.
Epic Blog has 4 widget areas (also called sidebars in WordPress). Throughout the page you'll see three of them being displayed on footer (Sidebar Footer 1, 2 and 3).
Epic Blog also brings a sidebar that will be displayed on every archive page (blog list, category, author, tag or date page), and on Archive post pages.
Homepage Settings
This theme works best if homepage is displayed as a static page. If you have installed the theme's demo data, everything is already setup for you. If that is not the case, you can do the following:
Create an empty page with the name "Home" and slug "home".
Under "Page Attributes", assign the Home page to a template called "Home Page".
Create an empty page with the name "Blog" and slug "blog".
Go to Settings -> Reading. Under "Your homepage displays", choose "A static page".
Select the "Home" page as your homepage and the "Blog" page as your posts page.
Copyright Setting
You can simply set your copyright information, that will display on footer.
Last updated